Sunday, March 19, 2006


On my way to office, today morning, just a weird question descended to my mind.How much importance can an individual carry for the other?.It was by all odds, a wierd thought considering the time it occured.On the very next station, a lady in mid thirties, with a kid, may be 3 or 4 years of age, boarded the train. The kid was creating all the dissonance and appeared to be in a state of delirium.It was not late, before the passengers realized that the boy was mentally challenged.Immediately, the treatment changed, some started looking over-concerned, some felt pity for the lady, even I stole a few looks at the kid. Definitely felt a bit sorry for her. Just the very moment I got the first look of her face as till now she was standing with her back towards me.Her face was full of excitement and enthusiasm towards her kid and there wasn’t even slightest tint of regret what so ever. Immediately I got my answer.No matter who you are, or how you are, there is always one person who loves you most, and she is your mother.
Irrespective of everything, you are the handsomest person for your mother, and if a girl, you are the most beautiful angel for her.
This is why, that kid never would have got the hint of his deviation from the so called normals.
May be some day, he would realize the difference and then would he realize the importance of the lady, his mother ?
The question remains to be answered.