Friday, May 05, 2006

Keep running…….

I did like RDB just like most of us but the reason might have taken a deviation from the barometer of normality. I saw myself right there on the screen in the veils of Karan.
We had things in common. Apart from the pleasant side, we both bore the darker sides of our life which both of us couldn’t manage to shed despite all the hassles and contend.
He is dysphoric, or rather say unsatiated over everything, ever quetching and somehow wants to run away from everything not realizing that what he wants to run away from, are the part of his very own life. He accepted living life as a coward same as I often end up doing in my life.
Unfortunately, an extremum tragedy was needed to get him into the right track and ignite the rather subdued spark which otherwise, always existed in him in a dormant state. Finally he had to shed the veil of cowardliness and accept the reality right on its face for the most distressful truth of his life. He does what he feels could be the most potent and executable end to his afflictive realities.
He might not have lived his life happily but did had a felicitous end with the ones he loved most.
For me, right now I dare not touch my darker side, as it gets difficult getting out of it, once you have entered.
Well hopefully I might not need such a bang to wake my senses.Someday I might realize that running might not be the best solution for everything. You do need to stand and face the realities for you as none other would take pains on your behalf. But till then, keep running……


Blogger Ravish said...

Well said!


10:59 PM  

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